What to know about this summer’s major surge in COVID infections – PBS NewsHour

Dr. Eric Topol:

The U.S. has invested, but not enough, in a couple of nasal vaccine programs.

But this is what we need, William, to get us out of the woods, because our biggest problem right now is we're not able, really, in any significant way, to stop the infection and the risk of long COVID and the small, but persistent risk of severe COVID hospitalizations and fatalities.

So we have got to double down, triple down on the nasal vaccines because there's been so much recent work to show that this is feasible. It's just a matter of getting the clinical trials done and scaling up manufacturing.

But I'm quite confident that we will have a nasal vaccine. We should have had it by now, in fact, even more than one. But we're moving in slow-mo. We're not putting in the resources like we did for the initial shots back in 2020. So we got to take that more seriously. This is our big vulnerability right now, is infections.

The rest is here:

What to know about this summer's major surge in COVID infections - PBS NewsHour

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