Home – Coronavirus | Prince William County

DEVELOPMENT SERVICESPermits, inspections and latest information: Development Services ePortalImportant information hereDEPARTMENTOFSOCIALSERVICESApply for, or renew, SNAP, Medicaid and TANF benefits online at:www.commonhelp.virginia.govApply for, or renew, Medicaid benefits over the phone by calling:1-855-242-8282Apply for SNAP, Medicaid or TANF benefits over the phone by calling:1-855-635-4370HUMANRESOURCESEmail:hr@pwcgov.org| Phone: 703-792-6640Please dont hesitate to leave a voice message your call will be directed to appropriate HR staff.TAXPAYERSERVICESPay taxes online: Tax PortalAdditional services: (business licenses, procurement services & assessments)Email: taxpayerservices@pwcgov.orgPhone: 703-792-6710LIBRARIESOur libraries offer lots of online resources: books, television shows, music, and of course books and magazines: Digital LibraryGENERAL ASSISTANCE703-792-6000

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