How College Students Can Say No! to a Mandatory Vaccine

A reader writes:


Ive read a number of your articles on Lew Rockwell. It did resonate when you talked about the vaccine not being about the vaccine, but rather weakness among men.

Both of my nephews are enrolled in college, and neither have the desire to get vaccinated.They are currently talking with their pastor to get a religious exemption.I know a lot of other college students must be in the same place, getting significant pressure to acquiesce.

I know demands on your time are great, but have you seen any articles or resources to help them out? Ive been searching Lew Rockwell and the Childrens Health Defense site, but havent seen much to help college students specifically.

I reached out to Prof. Block about the compulsory vaccinations for my nephews.Even if they can get a religious exemption, the question is whether they really want to be part of an institution that is subjecting thousands of young people to an experimental vaccine mandate. Even then, they shouldnt need a religious reason for exemption; they should have the agency to make that personal decision themselves.

Your work reminds me of a John Vervaeke lecture that I recently watched. Prophets arent mystical people; they are the ones in your life that tell you what you are doing wrongtoday, and how you need to get back on track!


A Concerned Uncle

Thank you for your note.

I wrote a book called Face Masks in One Lesson, but it could just as easily have been called Vaccines in One Lesson, or Toxic Experimental Covid Shots for the Hopelessly Obedient in One Lesson, because even though the theme is face masks, the solution works for any health mandate, Covid shots included.

The following will work for Covid shots and face masks alike.

1.) Obtain the policy

At the schools you speak of, somewhere there is a written policy on Covid shots. It is not a colorful sign posted at the entrance to the Union, nor is it a big sticker on the automatic doors of the student health center that says mandatory, its a several pages long unattractive legal document that lays out the policy, the consequences, and the exemptions. Someone knows how to access it. One just needs to find out who that is and to convince that person to share it, which is generally speaking not hard.

An email like this could accomplish that:

Dear Dean Skirvin,

I am appreciative for the leadership youve shown over these difficult times.

I am writing to ask for a written copy of the schools vaccine policy, because Im interested in understanding this important policy.

Thank you for your service to our community.


Murray Rothbard

2.) Read the policy

Read the entire thing andunderstand every sentence. If you have trouble with any legalese, useBlacks Dictionary,which is easily accessible online. Somewhere the policy will tell you who doesnt have to take the shot and if there are consequences.

Many, many policies have giant exemptions. Giant. So big that anyone who understands the policy says What was I worried about? If there really are consequences to not taking the vaccine, the consequences can be fought. Perhaps this is something I can address in a separate piece of writing. This piece of writing focuses on how to not get the vaccine.

Someone somewhere gets that these Covid shots are dangerous and they realize theres a difference between actually mandating a vaccine and claiming that you mandate a vaccine. Sheeplike people will not question the latter, while lions do, and appropriately discover how there is always a loophole and that so little is actually mandated in this world.

3.) Identify the exemptions in the policy

Somewhere it tells you who doesnt have to take the shot. Do I consider this policy to be the arbiter of all that is good in the world? Certainly not. Do I see danger in honoring this policy? Yes. Nonetheless, you have a tool at your disposal. Someone crafted that tool for you to use exactly in this way. Use the policy and follow the methods for obtaining exemptions in the policy.

Very few people have read the policy, so dont be shocked if you encounter resistance from people who havent read it. Be gentle with them. Some people have an ego that far exceeds their knowledge, but this does not stop them from touting their great knowledge and applying it with considerable ignorance. Thats all part of life. Ride out the firestorm gracefully and with tact and you will be able to counter that ego.

4.) Invoke a legitimate exemption

If an exemption is important for you to obtain, use a legitimate exemption in the policy and dont waiver from it. Not wavering looks like this:

Student:Im unable to wear a face mask safely and Im unable to take a vaccine safely.

Dean of Socialism, Discredited Science, & Other Forms of Control:Oh, I see we have a troublemaker here. I see you choose to be uncooperative in slowing the spread of this deadly disease that killed my grandmother.

Student:No, I cannot wear a face mask safely and I cannot take a vaccine safely. It is no choice of my own and I am complying fully with the policy.

Dean:But how can you be complying if you are not using these common sense protections?

Student:Please see section 3, paragraph K, subsection 2-1. You will notice there are exemptions.

Dean:Ive never noticed those.

Be silent. Do not say, You havent read the policy you clown, have you? Or do say it, because that would be kind of cool to say, but really, this piece of writing isnt about being cool, its just about being able to go about your life without an ineffective and dangerous experimental Covid shot.

5.) When asked about the specifics of your exemption, decline to answer

Dean:Well, what exactly is wrong with you? You look perfectly normal to me?

Student:Id prefer not to share personal details of that nature. That information is private. Just know that I cannot take a vaccine safely and cannot wear a face mask safely, and based on the policy, I will not be wearing a face mask or taking a shot.

6.) Clarify what the rest of the process will look like

To make sure there is no further trouble, you can ask questions like this.

How can I be sure that no one on staff will harass me over this topic when I am on campus?

Who in leadership can I call directly if Im ever harassed over this clear cut and settled topic?

7.) Live your life normally

A free person living his life normally spreads freedom out to the rest of the world.

Why This Is An Ideal Approach To Health Mandates

I strongly encourage this practice above. At some point your nephews will need to learn to stand up to the world. If they do not they will eventually be made into obedient slaves or grist for the mill.

I strongly discourage your from nephews turning to someone else for help before figuring out the above.

Organizations You Can Turn To

Americas Front Line Doctors has telehealth visits and legal support for people exactly in your nephews situation. Childrens Health Defense is rising to the occasion and protecting students from one-size-fits-all vaccine mandates at school. The Informed Consent Action Network has a podcast with reach and is ready to stand up for people who face any vaccine mandates. A Voice for Choice does the same in helping people to arm themselves with tools to fight back. Peggy Halls The Healthy American arms people with tools as well. has amazing writers on the topic, including Bill Sardi. My own is a group that seeks to help people through questions like this. There are many more doing amazing work.

But Dont Ask For Help Until Youve Figured It Out Yourself By Trying The Above

My problem with going to anyone for help is that what ultimately happens is that some people put the matter in the hands of another rather than seeing the other as merely a useful ally.

I dont want your nephews to go to another. I want your nephews to figure it out. After theyve figured it out, if they need more leverage, then its time to bring in more leverage. The people and organizations above are leverage.

In our own lives, each of us can identify our boundaries, communicate our boundaries, and defend our boundaries. Theres no shortcut around that. No one can be considered a fully functioning adult who cannot engage in that most basic level of personal and interpersonal honesty. Sometimes perhaps even many times a day there are people who claim authority to cross your boundaries. They have no such authority unless you grant it to them. A discussion must take place. There is no shortcut around that.

Running from that eventually catches up with a person.

If one must take a stand eventually, why not take that stand in the here and now? The rest of your life will be benefitted by the skills you learn by taking that stand and by the sense of self-ownership that you will walk through the rest of your days with.

Taking a stand on something you care about repays itself many times over and returns interest abundantly with every passing year.

Stop wearing that face mask. Read Face Masks in One Lessonto help you make that happen. Read these pieces at,to help you accomplish the same, and sign up for the email newsletter at RealStevo.comfor videos, classes, and activism opportunities on exactly that as well. We can beat back this medical tyranny before its too late.

The Best of Allan Stevo

Read more here:

How College Students Can Say No! to a Mandatory Vaccine

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