DESE will not recommend universal mask requirements, COVID surveillance testing in schools this fall – CBS Boston

BOSTON -- The state will not be recommending mask requirements or COVID surveillance testing of asymptomatic individuals in schools this year. The Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education released its updated coronavirus guidelines for schools on Monday.

"This upcoming school year, districts and schools should focus their COVID mitigation strategies towards vulnerable and symptomatic individuals," a memorandum said.

Contract tracing and test-to-stay programs will no longer be provided by the state. Districts and schools can still implement their own COVID testing systems but must handle staffing and supply logistics on their own.

"DESE and DPH strongly recommend that schools and districts interested in implementing their own testing program during the 2022-23 school year limit that program to symptomatic rapid testing."

New exposure guidelines also said students who were exposed but are asymptomatic can remain in school.

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DESE will not recommend universal mask requirements, COVID surveillance testing in schools this fall - CBS Boston

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