COVID-19 deaths outnumbered new cases Monday in GLOW region – The Daily News Online

ALBION Deaths from COVID-19 outweighed new cases Monday in a grim turnabout.

Orleans County reported four new deaths, all at nursing homes. Two were residents of Orchard Manor while the other two were at The Villages of Orleans Health and Rehab.

In comparison, only three new coronavirus cases were reported in the entire GLOW region.

The Villages of Orleans Health and Rehab had a total of 89 positive cases and 30 deaths as of Monday, indicating a mortality rate of 33.7 percent. Orchard Manor has 48 cases and 14 deaths for a mortality rate of 29.2 percent.

The county also reported one new positive case, for a total of 244. The person is a resident of Ridgeway in their 50s, who wasnt in mandatory quarantine prior to becoming symptomatic.

A total of 17 of the active cases are currently hospitalized.

To date, Orleans County has had a total of 2,982 negative cases. It currently has nine in the community under mandatory isolation; 47 in the community under mandatory quarantine; 45 total deaths; and an overall total of 92 community recoveries.

Genesee County has one new positive case for a total of 198. The new case is a resident of Batavia in their 30s who wasnt in mandatory quarantine prior to becoming symptomatic.

There are no cases currently hospitalized.

To date, Genesee County has had 4,678 total negative cases, seven in the community under mandatory isolation, 48 in the community under mandatory quarantine, five total deaths and 135 community recoveries.

At the earliest Phase 3 may be opened this Friday, but it will be at the governors discretion, Genesee and Orleans county officials said in their daily update. With that in mind, everyone waiting on Phase 3 is advised to be developing and implementing their business safety plan to the best of their ability and geared toward their organization whether it be a business, house of worship, non-for-profit organization, etc.

You are responsible to have your plan in place prior to opening, they said. You will not be submitting your plan, however it must be on the premises in the event of a state, local or safety inspection. Keep checking the New York Forward website for your industry/organization summary guidelines at

Wyoming County reported its first new COVID-19 case in a week on Monday.

The case was reported in the countys southwest quadrant that includes Arcade, Eagle, Java and Wethersfield. It brought the overall total to 83. The number of recoveries increased by two to 77.

The county has one active case.

Wyoming Countys current statistics include:

n A total of 28 cases have been confirmed in the northwest quadrant that includes Attica, Bennington, Orangeville and Sheldon. Two have been attributed to Attica Correctional Facility and all 28 have recovered.

n Twenty-four cases have been confirmed in the northeast quadrant that includes Warsaw, Perry, Middlebury and Covington. Nineteen of those have recovered and five have died.

n Fifteen cases have been confirmed in the southeast quadrant that includes Castile, Gainesville, Genesee Falls and Pike. All 15 have recovered.

n Sixteen cases have been confirmed in the southwest quadrant. Fifteen have recovered.

The total of negative tests was 2,028 as of Monday. Other statistics included one person in mandatory isolation, eleven in mandatory quarantine, and none in precautionary quarantine.

The age breakdown included 17 people in their 20s; 16 people in their 40s; 15 people in their 60s; 13 people in their 50s; eight people in their 70s; seven people in their 30s; three people in their 80s; two people less than 20 years old; and two people in their 90s.

Livingston County still was at 119 total cases on Monday, with 110 people recovered. There was just one active case in the county, although it also reported its eighth death on Sunday.

Livingston County has conducted 5,175 tests for COVID-19 with 5,056 negative tests and 119 positive tests. The infection rate among those tested is 2.3 percent.


COVID-19 deaths outnumbered new cases Monday in GLOW region - The Daily News Online

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