Record number of COVID-19 cases reported Saturday in Wisconsin, with 502 infections – Post-Crescent

More than 500 additional Wisconsinites have tested positive for coronavirus, the largest single-day increase in cases reported since the beginning of the pandemic.

The 502 new cases reported Saturday by the Department of Health Services came from a round of 6,051COVID-19 tests that were processed.The percent of new tests that were positive for the virus was 8.3% slightly higher than the average of around 6% from the previous six days.

This latest round of tests brings Wisconsin's total number of confirmed cases to12,187, according to DHS. More than 134,200 people have tested negative for coronavirus as of Saturdayand 453 people have died, eight more than reported Friday.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, 2,018 people have been hospitalized, which is around 17% of all positive cases. As of Saturday morning, 361patients were hospitalized with COVID-19, according to theWisconsin Hospital Association.Of those hospitalized with COVID-19, 182 are in the intensive care unit.

LIVE UPDATES:The latest on coronavirus in Wisconsin

DAILY DIGEST:What you need to know about coronavirus in Wisconsin

Langlade and Taylor countiesare the only two of the 72 Wisconsin counties that have not had a confirmed case of coronavirus.The state's count of confirmed cases by county stood as follows Saturday:

Note that the state's totals are frozen once each day, and that some counties may have reported more up-to-date counts.

Globally, there have been nearly 4.6 million cases of COVID-19, according to data from Johns Hopkins University. About 1.4 million of those cases are from the United States. As of Saturday inthe U.S., 88,200 people have died.

Contact Natalie Brophy at (715) 216-5452 or Followher on Twitter @brophy_natalie.

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Record number of COVID-19 cases reported Saturday in Wisconsin, with 502 infections - Post-Crescent

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