Number of Local Positive COVID-19 Cases Increases WKVI Information Center –

The Indiana State Department of Health reported Tuesday that566 additional residents have been diagnosed with COVID-19. The number includes the results reported tothe health department over multiple days.In Tuesdays information, it stated that the results were between March23 and May 11 from tests conducted from March 17 to May 11.

The total number of Indiana residents known to have COVID-19 is now 25,127.

Marshall Countys number increased to 36 positive COVID-19 cases, according to Tuesdays report. Pulaski County reported 34 positive cases and Starke County reported an increase to 23 positive cases. La Porte County reported 325 positive cases of COVID-19.

The numbers provided are a running total. Information on how many people have recovered from COVID-19 is not available in the report.

The 33 additional deaths reported occurred over the last fewdays which brought the total to 1,444 in the state. Probable deaths total 134. A probable death is reported based on a clinicaldiagnosis, but no positive test.

The Westville Correctional Facility reported 92 staff members and 175 offenders who have tested positive for COVID-19. Statistics provided on the Department of Correction website show that a majority of the patients have recovered.

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Number of Local Positive COVID-19 Cases Increases WKVI Information Center -

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