Free coronavirus test kits to be handed out Tuesday in Midtown Kingston – The Daily Freeman

KINGSTON, N.Y. Free COVID-19 test kits will be distributed in Midtown on Tuesday, Dec. 14, an Ulster County official said this week.

Assistant Deputy County Executive Daniel Torres said Monday that 1,000 test kits will be given out between 1 p.m. and 2 p.m. at the Andrey Murphy IIII Midtown Neighborhood Center, 467 Broadway.

The county has received 33,000 COVID-19 test kits as part of Ulster County Executive Pat Ryans state of emergency declaration. Further distribution information is expected to be announced Tuesday, Torres said.

Last week, Ryan said during a Facebook live stream event Thursday said that under the countys state of emergency, 33,000 rapid test kits were to be delivered this week.

The free kits contain two swabs each.

Here are local COVID-19 statistics:

Active cases

Ulster County: 1,283, up from 1,241 reported for Dec. 11; 1,154 for Dec. 10; and 1,047 for Dec. 9.

Dutchess County: 1467, down from 1,484 the previous day but up from 1,434 the day before that.

Pandemic History

Ulster County: 22,232 confirmed cases, 20,742 recoveries; and 307 deaths. (No new deaths reported Monday).

Dutchess County: 39,561 confirmed cases and 37,559 recoveries, 55 residents hospitalized, and two new death, making the total 519.

Latest positivity rates

Ulster County: 5.1%.

Dutchess County: 5.72%

Vaccination rates

Data as of Sunday from theNew York states online vaccine tracker:

Ulster County: 69.5% fully vaccinated, 77% with at least one dose of a two-dose regimen, 85.9% of 18+ population with at least one dose.

Dutchess County: 63.9% fully vaccinated, 71.8% with at least one dose of a two-dose regimen, 81.1% of 18+ population with at least one dose.,,

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Free coronavirus test kits to be handed out Tuesday in Midtown Kingston - The Daily Freeman

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