Gowdy blasts government for ‘inconsistent’ coronavirus recommendations: ‘Just tell us the truth’ – Fox News

"Sunday Night in America" host Trey Gowdy tore into the lack of transparency surrounding the United States' ever-changing COVID-19 guidance in a fiery monologue on his show Sunday.

The CDC once again advised individuals to wear masks when occupying shared spaces indoorsregardless of their vaccination statusin an effort to curb the highly transmissible delta variant which continues to rear its ugly head in cities across the U.S.

While some have resisted the updated mask guidance, others have begun to raise questions about the "science" authorities point to in support of their seemingly inconsistent recommendations.

"It's been a long 18months for country, it seemed likethings were getting better and nowwe don't know what to think hardand who to trust," Gowdy said.

"Just so there is no mistake,I have been vaccinated and Iwill take a booster shot if thatis what my physician tells me todo.I'll get it revaccinated if mydoctor advises it, I will wear amask, even if inconvenient but Iwill do it if it makes otherssafer," he emphasized.

What Gowdy can't contend with, he told viewers, "isfollowing the science when the sciencedoesn't even seem to know where it isgoing."

"We hear that phrase alot.Follow the science.And then we hear that sciencehas changed so we need to dosomething different or maybeeven do something that is incomplete contradiction to whatwe were told science wanted usto do last month," he continued.

"People want to know the truthand they want to know why," the host said.

Gowdy demanded that the CDC and leading health experts reveal "why areyou mandating what you aremandating?"

"Convinceus you have considered lessintrusive means to accomplishthe objective."


"Give us the evidence, give usboth sides of the argument, convinceus you have considered lessintrusive means to accomplishthe objective. Get rid ofthe hypocrisy and the politics,"he said.

"Do not tell us not to buy my masks orthat masks wont help when the truthis, we need to save his mask forour frontline health workers,tell us the truth.Tell us to wait to get a mask sothe doctors and nurses can beprotected. Well do it.Just tell us the truth.And don't tell us where thevirus originated if you do notknow.And don't ignore the possibilitythat the virus originated ina lab in China when you don'tknow.


"And," he continued, "if you don'tknow something, tell us that too.We don't expect you to beperfect, just be honest.Do not tell us to wear masks onone side of the street but notthe other side.Or we can dance at a wedding onthe side of the state line butnot a few feet away on the otherside of the state. That is politics. It isnot science if you want me to follow thescience, give me the science," Gowdy asserted. "And stop mixing it withpolitics."

Read more from the original source:

Gowdy blasts government for 'inconsistent' coronavirus recommendations: 'Just tell us the truth' - Fox News

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