Coronavirus vaccination: Why do you experience a sore arm after your COVID-19 vaccination? – Times of India

Having witnessed the havoc wreaked by the second wave of coronavirus, it is only proper to stay prepared for a possible third wave. With states lifting their border restrictions and many fleeing to the hills, it seems that the only way to avoid yet another devastating phase is through mass vaccination.

Amidst all the chaos around vaccine shortage, while some are relieved to have taken their COVID shot, there are many who are still reluctant. Given the side effects and cases of adverse reactions, people are still trying to make their way around getting themselves vaccinated.

Apart from fever, fatigue and body ache, pain in the sight of vaccine injection has become a common post vaccination issue. While the pain lingers from a day or two, many are still wondering as to what causes the soreness.


Coronavirus vaccination: Why do you experience a sore arm after your COVID-19 vaccination? - Times of India

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