Coronavirus in Will County: 2 more dead, another 58 cases – The Herald-News

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Health officials reported Saturday that 58 more people tested positive for the novel coronavirus in Will County.

The additional cases bring the total number in Will County to 1,161, according to the Will County Health Department.

The department also announced two more people, a man in his 60s and a woman in her 80s, died after contracting the virus.

After one woman's death was allocated to another county, the number of Will County patients who had died after testing positive stood at 56 on Saturday.

The Illinois Department of Public Health also announced 1,293 new cases of the virus and 81 additional deaths across the state.

As of Saturday, 19,180 people in Illinois had tested positive for COVID-19 and 677 people had died after contracting it. Over 92,000 tests for the virus had been performed in Illinois as of Saturday.

The IDPH also said 86 of the state's 102 counties had reported confirmed cases.

The update from state officials came on the day the U.S. overtook Italy for the highest death toll from the virus in the world.

The Will County Health Department provides more information about coronavirus, including the number for a COVID-19 hotline on its website,

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Coronavirus in Will County: 2 more dead, another 58 cases - The Herald-News

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