City of Cambridge to Lift Remaining COVID-19 Restrictions on Saturday, May 29, 2021; Eviction Moratorium to End on June 15, 2021 – the City of…

The City of Cambridge today announcedthat,withthe Commonwealth's State of Emergency endingon June 15, 2021,and the significant improvements in public health metrics,it willalignwith theCommonwealthin liftingthe Citysremaining COVID-19 restrictions on Saturday, May 29, 2021and will rescindits March 19, 2020 Declarationof Public Health Emergencyin Cambridgeeffective June 15, 2021.Due totherescission oftheCitysDeclarationof Public HealthEmergency,theCitysTemporaryEvictionMoratoriumas amended on July 23, 2020willalsobe rescinded,effectiveJune 15, 2021.

"Ourdata driveninterventionswere designed to get us to this point of turning a corner on thepandemic and beginning to establish a new normal,"said Cambridge City Manager Louis A. DePasquale."Cambridges7-day moving average of cases per 100,000 residents is currently under 3 cases.Ourpercent positivity for COVID-19 tests is 0.11%, and 68% of our residents have received at least one COVID-19 vaccine. These numbers reflect the hard work that we have collectively engaged in over the past year.I want to thank ourresidents and businessesfor theirsacrificesand our staff for theirdedication.Ilook forward toour communitymoving forwardsafelyand furthering itsrecovery from the impacts of this globalpandemic.

Cambridge residents have demonstrated their resilience over the past 15 months of this pandemic, and our low case rate together with strong vaccination rates is testamentto that.I ampleasedthat we are able to celebrate this milestone as we move forward. I urge everyone who is eligible to get vaccinated,and remind residents that they may still wear a mask if they choose, said Claude A. Jacob, Chief Public Health Officer.

Our ability to reopen in alignment with the states reopening plan is a true testament of the hard work from our Cambridge community, said Mayor Siddiqui. We have a long road ahead to recover from the pandemics effects, but this is the first step in returning to normalcy in Cambridge. I want to thank everyone for doing their part and remind folks to reach out if they need assistance with vaccinations and resources related to the eviction moratorium.

Effective May 29, theCity of Cambridge will follow theMassachusettsDepartment of PublicHealthsnew face-covering advisoryconsistent with the Centers for Disease Control and Preventions updated guidance, and will not require the use of face masks in Cambridge.However, residents are encouraged to follow the Massachusetts andCDC recommendations for vaccinated and unvaccinated people,and businessesare reminded that they may continue to require the use of face masks inside their establishments if they wish.

"While I am delighted that Cambridge's vaccination rates are high and that our case numbers continue to decline, we must remain vigilant. I stronglyrecommendthatunvaccinated youth continue wearing masks when participating in sports and when outdoors and unable to be at least 6 feet apart from one another. This important mitigation practice shouldbe continuedat leastuntilthe public health emergency is lifted on June 15, and I ask that all parents, caregivers, coaches, and teachersencourageunvaccinated youthtocontinuewearingmasks untilthattime," said Assaad J. Sayah, M.D., Commissioner of Public Health.

Allresidentsare encouraged to getvaccinatedand are reminded that the City of Cambridge provides free COVID-19 testing at various sites across the city. Appointments and additional information aboutthe testingprogram are available

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City of Cambridge to Lift Remaining COVID-19 Restrictions on Saturday, May 29, 2021; Eviction Moratorium to End on June 15, 2021 - the City of...

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