FluGen, UW-Madison researchers developing COVID-19 vaccine …

We are going to modify M2SR by adding part of the coding region for the coronavirus spike protein that the virus uses to latch onto cells and begin infection, said Neumann, a senior virologist in Kawaokas lab and co-founder of FluGen. CoroFlu will also express the influenza virus hemagglutinin protein, which is the major influenza virus antigen, so we should get immune responses to both coronavirus and influenza.

M2SR is a unique form of the flu virus. It lacks a gene called M2, which restricts the virus to undergoing only a single round of replication in cells.


The single replication means the virus can enter the cell, but it cant leave, says FluGen co-founder, president and CEO Paul Radspinner. So, in essence it tricks the body into thinking its infected with flu, which triggers a full immune response. But since it cant replicate further, you dont get sick.

CoroFlu, like M2SR, will be delivered intranasally. That mimics the natural route of infection by coronavirus and influenza and activates several modes of the immune system.

The Kawaoka group will insert genetic sequences from SARS-CoV-2 into M2SR and then assess CoroFlus safety and efficacy in animal models at UW-Madisons Influenza Research Institute. The institute has a high-level biosafety facility designated Biosafety Level 3 Agriculture with the ability to safely handle and study pathogens like highly pathogenic influenza viruses and the novel coronavirus.

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FluGen, UW-Madison researchers developing COVID-19 vaccine ...

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