174,000 people in Utah werent told their coronavirus test results couldve been wrong – fox13now.com

OREM, Utah Federal officials worried that more than 174,000 coronavirus patient test results from an Orem lab used by TestUtah were potentially wrong but none of the people who were tested early in the pandemic were told, documents obtained by The Salt Lake Tribune show.

Testing at Timpanogos Regional Hospital may have produced accurateresults.Or its lab may have produced false negatives or false positives, according to documents and interviews with people familiar with the matter.

State health officials knew for months that federal regulators were questioning whether the hospitals lab was following requirements designed to ensure tests are processed accurately, according to interviews and documents. Public officials knew as early as May 2020 about problems at the lab, which did not suspend COVID-19 testing until Aug. 23, 2020.

In the hospitals plan for correcting deficiencies, submitted to regulators the day after it halted its processing of coronavirus tests, it acknowledged:

Once it was determined that verification and validation had not been properly performed, Timpanogos Lab suspended the processing of COVID-19 specimens on the non-validated and non-verified instruments.

Read the full report on The Salt Lake Tribune's website.

The Utah Department of Health sent the following statement to FOX 13 News:

The UDOH was not a party to the CLIA audit. However, our contract with Nomi Health requires that Nomi Health ensure any concerns raised in the audit are resolved. The final audit results from CLIA did not include a requirement or recommendation that any entity notify any patients of potential issues with their test results.

Original post:

174,000 people in Utah werent told their coronavirus test results couldve been wrong - fox13now.com

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